RAABE, U. & VAN DE WEYER, K., 1998.
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Nitella (as Chara) flexilis, N. syncarpa, N. gracilis, N. tenuissima,
Nitellopsis obtusa (as Chara stelligera), Lychnothamnus barbatus
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pp. [Characeae pp. 193-200, 12 Chara (Chara braunii as Nitella
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obtusa (as Nitella stelligera), Lychnothamnus barbatus (as Nitella
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and its karyotype. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 37: 523-525. [n =
RAY, S. & CHATTERJEE, P., 1988c. Cyrotaxonomical study of
some members of Chara fibrosa complex. Cryptogamie, Algologie
9: 65-72. [C. fibrosa f. fibrosa, f. curtsii, f. tylacanthe all
n = 42; C. fibrosa var. and f. hydropitys n = 14].
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RICH, P.H., WETZEL, R.G. & VAN THUY, N., 1971. Distribution,
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C. aspera, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis].
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RINTANEN, T., 1976. Lake studies in eastern Finnish Lapland. I.
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RIP, W.J., SIMONS, J., OHM, M. & DAALDER, R., 1993. Beheersingrepen
en hernieuwd voorkomen van veel kranswieren in De Botshol. Econieuws
18: 13. [Dutch]. [Nitellopsis obtusa, C. hispida, C. globularis,
C. connivens, C. aspera, C. contraria, C. aculeolata].
RIVAS GODAY, S., 1970. Revisión de las comunidades hispanas
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27: 225-276. [Spanish] [C. crinita in Isolepido-Lythretum castellani
RIVELINE, J., 1984. Charophytes fossiles: remarques paleooecologiques
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n. spec., Chara crinitiformis n. spec., Chara hypnoides n. spec.,Chara
intumescens n. spec., Chara Morongii n. spec., Chara Schneckii
n. spec., Chara coronatiformis n. spec., Chara longifolia n. spec.,
Chara Liebmanni n. spec., Chara filicaulis n. spec., Chara stellata
n. spec., Chara Brittonii n. spec., Chara formosa n. spec., Chara
compacta n. spec., descriptions of: Chara Curtissii, Chara keukensis,
Chara mexicana, Chara Nordhoffiae, Chara Macounii, and 31 other
Chara species].
K.L. & CAIRNS jr., J., 1983. Primary production and decomposition
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ROSSAT, H., 1955. Nitellopsis stelligera (Reichenbach) Hy a Pierre-Benito
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ROTH, A., 1919. Die Vegetation des Walenseegebietes. Beiträge
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ROWELL, T.A. & HARVEY, H.J., 1988. The recent history of Wicken
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Journal of Ecology 76: 73-90. [C. hispida, N. gracilis (as C.
ROXBURGH, W., 1832. Flora Indica; or descriptions of Indian Plants.
Vol. 3. (edited by W. Carey, Serampore). W. Thacker and Co., Calcutta.
I + 849 pp. [Chara pp. 563-565: Chara verticillata n. spec., Chara
involucrata n. spec., N. furcata (as Chara)].
ROXBURGH, W., 1874. Flora Indica; or descriptions of Indian Plants.
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+ LXII + 763 pp. [Chara pp. 647-648: C. verticillata, C. involucrata,
N. furcata ( as Chara)].
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RUNGE,F., 1986. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mitteleuropa's. 8/9
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RUNGE,F., 1994. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mitteleuropa's. 12/13
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